This carefully curated collection of items has been selected by Dr. Scott to ensure you have the essential tools to provide stability, comfort, and protection during your recovery journey.
What’s Included:
Deluxe Folding Adjustable Walker with 5" Wheels – This walker offers stable support with adjustable height and 5” wheels, perfect for safe mobility after surgery.
Locking Raised Toilet Seat – With an easy-to-use locking system, this raised toilet seat enhances accessibility, reducing strain and making bathroom use more comfortable.
Suction Cup Grab Bars – Ideal for extra support in the bathroom. These bars can be attached to walls or shower areas to help prevent slips and falls.
Leg Lifter – A simple yet effective tool to help lift and position your leg safely without straining your knee, especially useful for getting in and out of bed.
Non-slip Bath Mat – Ensures safety while bathing with a secure, slip-resistant design to help prevent any accidental slips in wet areas.
Waterproof Knee Protector – Protects your knee from moisture, making showering and bathing safe while keeping your knee dry and free from infection risks.
Compression Socks – Promotes circulation, helps reduce swelling and reduces the risk of clotting, which is crucial during knee replacement recovery.